Transition of the G’day Line Service


Wednesday 10th July 2024

Due to the Australian Government Department of Social Services ending the Seniors Connected program, funding for the G’day Line service concluded on June 30, 2024. Consequently, the G’day Line will no longer be resourced, and the nationwide telephone support service will end on September 30, 2024. 

While this marks the end of one chapter, the development of a new resource, Community and Connections, is underway. Scheduled to launch in August, this digital resource aims to continue supporting older community members by providing a comprehensive directory of services and programs dedicated to enhancing social connections and combating isolation. Additionally, telephone support will still be offered to G’day Line callers through the request-a-call-back service. 

Support for the G’day Line program to date has been highly valued. As the transition to this new resource takes place, services are invited to be featured on the Community and Connections page. Services that support older Australians in overcoming loneliness and social isolation are encouraged to reach out to Griefline’s marketing coordinator, Lainie, at [email protected] with your logo and a brief description of the service. 

It is requested that any listings or references to the G’day Line service be removed from websites or other public profiles by September 30, 2024. 

For enquiries, please contact Louisa Smith, Chief Marketing Officer, at [email protected]. 

We thank our partners and stakeholders for their support and collaboration. We look forward to working together to ensure that our older community members continue to receive the support and connections they need. 

Louisa Smith and Kate Cahill 

Griefline Executive Team 

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