Integrating Grief Program (Victoria): in partnership with South Eastern Melbourne Primary Health Network

A free service provided by Griefline to support people referred from the Victoria Police Victims Advisory Service.
The Integrating Grief Program (Victoria) service provides 6 sessions of support delivered remotely by phone or Zoom to those impacted by death who are referred by Victoria Police. Our skilled and compassionate team have experience working with a variety of experiences of grief, loss and trauma.
This initiative supports individuals following a bereavement or incident enabling them to better understand and navigate their experience.
The process
Step 1.
Case is referred to Griefline from Victoria Police Victim Advisory Unit.
Step 2.
The Griefline intake team team reach out to the referred person by phone or SMS message to discuss the program, confirm their interest, and explore their circumstances and goals.
Step 3.
A Griefline team member will be matched with the referred person and begin their six sessions of support.
The Integrating Grief Program (Victoria) is an ongoing service that has been delivered by Griefline via the Victoria Police electronic Referral system (VPeR) since 2014.
VPeR is a consent-based, non-crisis, non-family violence referral system that provides referral options for police officers to offer when civilians they speak to have been impacted by death.
Griefline is a key stakeholder and support to the Victoria Police in the provision of all referrals relating to non-suspicious deaths.
Since the implementation of VPeR there has been over 14,000 VPeR referrals made to the program.

Griefline and PHN working together to support those in crisis.
Through our Integrating Grief Program, Griefline and SEMPHN, offers up to 6 counselling sessions, to witnesses of non-suspicious deaths, who are referred by Victoria Police Victims Advisory Unit.
This initiative supports individuals during the crisis moment until they can source professional and other supports.
Our trained counsellors do an amazing job holding people’s grief , loss and trauma in extreme situations such as sudden death.
Griefline is proud and grateful for the funding provided by SEMPHN to operate the Integrating Grief Program.
SEMPHN works primarily on behalf of the Australian Government to improve local health care. Their aim is to be able to ensure all individuals access the right care, in the right place, at the right time, by improving access to existing services, commissioning new services to improve health outcomes, and encouraging GPs and others to innovate.
SEMPHN works closely with health professionals and patients implementing My Health Record, allowing people to view their health information securely online, from anywhere, at any time – even if when they move or travel interstate. There are strict rules and regulations about who can see and use My Health Record to protect patient’s information from misuse. Â
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