Carer grief workshop

Caring through grief: navigating the emotional journey of being a carer.

Navigating carer grief


Join us for a compassionate and insightful workshop on carer grief, hosted by Griefline and Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust, and facilitated by experienced Grief Counsellor, Shelley Andreetta. This workshop delves into the unique grief experienced when caring for someone with a life-limiting illness, providing participants with valuable insights into the emotional challenges, the impact on the nervous system, and the often-overlooked needs of carers. Gain practical coping strategies, learn how to support your wellbeing during and after caregiving, and explore avenues for healing in a supportive, understanding environment.

Time and location

  • Date: Wednesday 4th December, 2024
  • Duration: 10:30am to 12pm AEDT
  • Location: This in-person event will be held at The Centre for Care and Wellbeing, in Springvale Botanic Cemetery, Victoria.
  • To help you navigate to the location of the event, click on the following link to access Google Maps:…

About the workshop

Are you currently caring for a loved one with a life-limiting illness, or have you recently experienced the profound impact of loss?

You don’t have to navigate this journey alone.

This interactive workshop will provide opportunity for questions, shared experiences and additional support. We will set a safe and supportive tone while encouraging openness among participants. We will explore the concept of carer grief, highlighting its unique characteristics, manifestations during caregiving, and the societal lack of recognition for this grief.

Participants will examine common types of grief and loss experienced by carers including anticipatory grief and loss of identity. We’ll also explore challenging emotions such as guilt and anxiety, and how prolonged caregiving can lead to stress and burnout, along with techniques for emotional regulation like mindfulness. The session concludes with practical strategies for self-care, boundary-setting, and recognising personal needs during and after the caregiving process.

This workshop is designed for individuals who are currently caring for a loved one with a life-limiting illness or have previously been in a caregiving role for someone who has died. Whether you are still in the caregiving phase or transitioning to life after loss, this session offers valuable insights and support.

Information and registration

Click on the button below to register, access more information and donate to our Bereavement Support Groups.

Free event

This workshop is free of charge, but donations to support the expansion of Griefline’s Bereavement Support Groups would be greatly appreciated. To donate, click on the following link and navigate to the donate button beneath the ticket information.

About the facilitator: Shelley Andreetta

Shelley Andreetta is passionate about supporting individuals through their unique grief experiences, recognising the cultural barriers that hinder authentic mourning. With a Bachelor of Counselling and a diverse background in the corporate sector and performing arts, she is a licensed counsellor and Master Reiki Practitioner.

At Griefline, Shelley leads nationally expanding grief support groups and has developed training workshops to enhance grief support systems. We are excited to have her as our facilitator at this special event, where she empowers clients to honor their grief and build meaningful lives.

To learn more about Shelley, click here.

Shelley Andreetta - Griefline Counsellor and Grief Education Facilitator 

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