My Honey passed away 2 days before Christmas

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Home Forums Loss of a pet My Honey passed away 2 days before Christmas

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  • #13960

    Hi. My name is Tanae and I just need someone to talk to. No one understands this devastating loss I’m experiencing. My family and I are on holidays and our dogs were being looked after by a work mate. My beloved Pugalier Honey tragically passed away just 6 days after we left for our holiday. She dug her way out and got stuck between two fences for 4 hours with no food or water, on a very hot day. She passed away to sun stroke and dehydration. I am completely shattered and heartbroken. I don’t know if I can move past this loss. She was my baby. We did everything together. Today is exactly two weeks and today I also got a call from the vets to notify me she’s been cremated. Absolutely shattered.

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  • #23847

    Hello Tanae,

    It’s been a while since you posted but I wanted to ask how you are doing. As anniversaries draw close painful memories and feelings are common and a normal reaction to the grief we may feel from a devastating loss. Please know that we are here to listen if you want to talk about Honey, either on this forum or through our helpline, Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm (1300 845 745).


    Hi @tanae, our hearts go out to you for the tragic loss of your little Honey. It sounds like she was a constant and faithful companion and the two of you shared a very precious bond. You mention that no one understands the devastation you are feeling. It’s understandable you feel this way – when we lose a beloved pet we feel like people couldn’t possibly know the depths of our feelings for our baby. But it really does help to seek comfort and support from others just as you have done here on the forums. Talking about your loved one can be particularly soothing at this early stage so if you feel up to sharing some of your favourite stories about little Honey we would love to hear about her.

    It must be have been really tough to hear she was cremated yesterday – that really does bring a finality to things doesn’t it?. Many people find that creating a ritual or honouring space helps with their grief like @BrionyJames did for Diesel, or planting a tree at her favourite park, making a memory box or photo-book… something that you can go to any time when you’re feeling overwhelmed with sadness.

    In the meantime, we are here for you so please let us know how you’re going.

    Here is a link to some information on the Griefline website pet bereavement which might also be of some help.

    Briony James

    Hi Tanae, I’m so sorry to hear of Honey’s passing, I can hear how heartbreaking it is for you. Processing such an unexpected loss is tough and it can feel like it’s impossible, but with time you will be able to move through the pain. Grief and loss is a unique process for each person but the most important thing is to have the support you need and deserve, so it’s great that you felt able to post here. Honey holds such a precious place in your life and that lives in all your memories of her. When I lost my dog Diesel while I was on holiday it felt unfair that I wasn’t home and my grief was so deep having had him for 14 years. I found it helpful to talk about him and write down in a journal some of the stories I had of his life with me. I also put his collar beside some photos on my bedside table, just to feel a sense of honouring his passing each night. It took a few months but I felt able to process the loss gradually.

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