Integrating Grief Program Webinar

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NSW integrating grief program information session

Launched in February 2022, Griefline’s Integrating Grief Program is a free counselling and support service developed by Griefline and funded by the NSW Government to provide enhanced bereavement care for the people of NSW. 

For some of us, our grief might not lessen, even after time passes, and it can significantly disrupt our daily functioning, affecting jobs, relationships and how we interact in the community.

The Griefline Integrating Grief Program is aimed at helping individuals struggling with their grief. The program helps people come to terms with the loss, restoring a sense of purpose to their life.

Sad woman looking out a window

Join us and learn how our program can help your clients who are stuck in their grief

Who should attend?

We encourage anyone who is regularly working with bereaved individuals to attend our information session. This includes, but is not limited to people who work in:

Your facilitator

Marianne Bowdler

Griefline Clinical Services Manager

The NSW Integrating Grief program is funded by

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