Addressing feelings of loneliness

Themes covered in this program include: 

  • Defining loneliness and social isolation.
  • The prevalence of loneliness in Australia today.
  • What loneliness looks like across the population in terms of age, gender and other categories.
  • Factors contributing to loneliness: situational, psychological and cultural.
  • The impact of loneliness on physical and mental wellbeing.
  • Models of loneliness.
  • Evidence-based approaches and tools to reduce loneliness.

Learning intentions

  • Understand what loneliness really is. 
  • Separate facts about loneliness from popular myths.  
  • Greater compassion for those experiencing social isolation leading to improved connectedness.  
  • Early intervention strategies for vulnerable teammates which may reduce long-term absenteeism. 
  • Improved physical and mental well-being. 
Griefline Workplace training for addressing feelings of loneliness

This course is designed for

  • Managers and supervisors
  • Human Resources personnel
  • Employees and volunteers
  • EAP providers
  • Organisational leaders
  • Health and safety personnel

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